Sunday, June 15, 2008

Braindead Litwillers

I have lots to post after our weekend trip to Illinois and all about the flooding here in Wisconsin, but I'm too tired to type that much. However, I just have to share about our braindead evening.

We got home at 3pm today and thought that church didn't start until 6pm. I could have sworn that I saw it printed in two places that church didn't start until 6 (it's usually at 5pm). Rob and I go early on Sunday nights to set up the greeting area for nursery. So, we all left with plenty of time to spare for the six o'clock service. And then we got there and saw all of the cars and rushed into church. Oops! Why the mix up? Well, VBS started tonight at 6pm. Guess I got confused or something. Anyway, we got Matthew there in PLENTY of time for VBS and were only in the building for about half an hour.

Good thing we weren't there longer. We left to go shopping while Matthew was in VBS and found our car in the turn-around near the nursery. Still running. Unlocked. We might as well have had a sign on it that said "Please, we're idiots. Take our car from us. Keys included."

And then at Wal-Mart, Ben decided to wack a jug of juice off the shelf and spill it all over the aisle. And Rob dropped the package of light bulbs he bought there and broke one.

At least Matthew had fun at VBS and all three of them are asleep right now. Rob's frying homemade egg rolls. And I think I'm going to go to sleep. More on our trip and the flood later.

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