Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fibro update: Week 2-4

I have learned a lesson this week: Don't cheat on the diet. I've taken small bites here and there of things, but in honor of Valentine's day, I cheated and ate some chocolate. And then I took it a little further and had some cookies with the kids on Friday. BIG mistake! I started feeling fatigued all over my body again. I think it was good for me to cheat, however, since I can now really tell what's hurting me. And I know that I have to keep all of that stuff out of the house or I'll eat it. (We were trying out the WhoNu? brand of cookies--which taste pretty good!)

Otherwise, things are still going well. I've had more energy this week and have started craving the things that are good for me. Dr. W said that would happen. Last night Rob wanted ice cream and asked me what I wanted. After thinking through my options, good and bad, I settled on a smoothie. And that's genuinely what I wanted! I have never liked fruit (in my adult life) but now I'm craving it more and more. I even had a supper Friday night of nothing but an all-fruit smoothie and raw veggies. And I was satisfied!

My doc also asked me to record a little video of my progress thus far and he is planning to use it in his upcoming fibro seminar. I'm also going to write up a testimonial for his website.

I think I'm finally ready to take back a few of the household chores from Rob. This week I'm going to try doing the dishes. And I'm starting to care more about how the house looks, so we're going to systematically work room by room and straighten as well as decorate. I'm tired of the empty walls!

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