Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Big, Strong Men

Today my big, tough guys had a chance to flex their muscles. Rob often brings home wood from work (he is saving up wood to build a desk) and he had alot in the car, so he and the boys brought it inside. Matthew carried in quite a few pieces, which is typical, but Benjamin actually carried five up to the porch. Not bad for a 15-month-old!

Later, Matthew helped his Daddy carry out the trash and recyclables, his weekly chore. It's pretty funny to watch, as Matthew isn't much taller than the trash cans. He carried out five small boxes, making a variety of grunting sounds (because boxes are very heavy!) Then he did manage to carry out the paper recyclables all by himself. That trip required A LOT of grunting, but he did it. We complemented him on being so big and strong. He got a huge grin across his face, and then collapsed in the grass.

Daddy then reminded him that there are bugs in the grass. My big tough guy, you see, is scared to death of the sound of mosquitoes buzzing by his ear. :)


Shanti said...

that's hilarious! some big strong men can be really scared of itty bitty leetle buggies. I know one (no, not mine) I won't say who or I'll get in trouble. But if this guy sees a spider he'll start sprinting. :-)

sooooooo...what are you doing tomorrow morning?? my kids wanna hang with yo' kids. you up fo' it mama?

hartgirlies said...

Oh my goodness. You recycle! You are a better "queen" than I.

Unknown said...

Yes, I recycle. We had to in Cali, so I just got used to it. Don't get too impressed....I do throw away tin cans. We have to take the labels off and I'm sorry, but life is to short to removed labels from cans!