Sunday, October 10, 2010

Conversations with the Kids

Talking to your kids is always a fun experience, especially when they come up with such interesting ideas. Here are three conversations I've had this week.

While giving Anna a bath....

Me: How are you doing?
Anna: I'm fine. I have a backpack. But it's not up here. It's downstairs taking a nap.

Ben at lunch....

Me: Here's your milk.
Ben: I wish none of the stores sold alcohol. Or milk. Because I REALLY hate milk. There should only be one store that sells milk and it should be a store in Africa.

Matthew at the end of schooltime....

Me: Well, looks like we're doing adding by two's next week. So, what's 200 plus 200?
Matthew: Hmm...well, 2 plus 2 is four, so 200 plus 200 must be 400.
Me: Wow! That's pretty good! You're a smart guy.
Matthew: Thank you, but I'm smart because that's the way God made me.
Me: (tearing up a little) Yes, God did make you smart.
Matthew: He made me pretty strong, too!


cardboardkiller said...

awww! :)

gpagmafulkerson said...

way to go Matthew!!!

Sherms said...

Aw, I love that kids just say the cutest things. And so matter of factly too! xx

Beverly said...

Love it! My kids would not be happy, though, if we could only buy milk in Africa!