Friday, July 1, 2011

VBS #2

Sunday night started our church's VBS program and Anna in particular was VERY excited to go. And then we were told that 3's would go to the nursery. I, a veteran parent of 3's at our church. Apparently, the two people in charge (who have been in charge for years) had no idea that parents bring their 3's anyway and put them in with the 4's and 5's. Rob and I had a long talk with the director, who we sent to speak with the person who was in charge of the preschoolers last year so she could tell him how non-distracting the 3's are. He had no idea the 3's don't go to the nursery on Sunday and Wed nights, but sit with their parents or attend the preschool ministry. I'm glad we got all of that nonsense about 3's being distracting cleared up, so maybe the parents of 3's won't have to fight that same battle in future years.

So I took my little cherubs to VBS Sunday night, deposited them in their respective classes, and left for two hours of peace and quiet. And that became our nightly routine this week. We did pick up two extra kids (the ones who took our kids to their VBS a few weeks ago). I stamped and listened to a sermon series and ate supper in quiet. Last night there was a chocolate event at the library, so I attended that and came home with a huge bag of chocolate for Rob and I.

The kids really enjoyed the VBS program. Ben and Anna were in the preschool group, which was run by someone new this year, but it was just as fabulous as previous years. Matthew enjoyed being in his class as well. Like most VBS', there was a competition between the girls and boys to see who could bring in the most offering. They don't count it here, but go by weight instead. There was a table each night where the kids could "buy" a penny roll for 50 cents or a gold brick for $5. The girls won the first four nights and by that last night, the boys (all of them, not just mine) were determined to beat those girls. My boys gave every last cent they had in their piggy banks during the week (even turning a two dollar tip Ben got for a delivery into penny rolls) and they were completely tapped out by Thursday night. So I decided to spring for two gold bricks, one for each boy, and two penny rolls for Anna. I had to laugh as I traveled through the hallway at seemed like every boy had a gold brick or penny little boy had TWO gold bricks! And the boys won...blew the girls out of the water, if my boys are to be believed :) I did have a discussion with them about who the real winners were...the missionaries who will receive the offering money. Kind of sobered them up (and prepared them in case they lost again) and put it all back into perspective. But I'm still glad they beat the girls at least one time!

Today is supposed to be ghastly hot and we've already had to cancel our beach trip due to a thunderstorm. We've been warned to stay away from the beach after it rains so we can avoid swamp itch. Doesn't sound pleasant, does it? So we'll have to devise a new plan :)

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