Sunday, April 29, 2012

An Update

I haven't updated in awhile, but that doesn't mean nothing is going on!  I have had a pretty rough time this past week, which is due to the cleanse.  At times it feels like I'm going backwards, but according to my doctor I've had it pretty easy compared to other patients doing the same cleanse.  May 10th is Pill Liberation Day and I'm going to mutiny if he suggests one more cleanse!

Rob will be undergoing allergy testing tomorrow.  His gluten issues have gotten so bad that he can't even walk into a room with cookies, etc w/o feeling his throat tighten.  We'll see what the test shows and how to proceed from there tomorrow.

We have four weeks of school left and I am pleased that we will actually finish our cores this year.  It's been a rough year with the move and my health issues, but God has been good and we've been able to get through all of the material. 

Miss Anna had a trip to the ER this week.  I had been napping (bad fibro day) and came downstairs to find her sitting on Rob's lap.  She had stuck a Craisin up her nose and he couldn't get it out.  He had tried every trick he could think of, but she just kept sniffing it up.  Because he could no longer see it, he assumed it had gone into her sinus cavity.  He had to leave for work, so I took the troops to the ER (per the doctor's orders, as we called him first.)  The nurse was examining her when Anna made a funny face and sneezed hard twice.  Out came the Craisin!  Everyone in the room just kind of said, "Um...okay!  That was easy!" and we left.  Goofy kiddo.

Matthew has been taking art lessons through the city park and rec department.  He loves it and I have seen improvements in his artwork already.

The kids finished their Truth Trackers program just this past week.  All three of them earned their medals for the year.  They do not have an awards ceremony for the little ones, but Matthew's class did so I got to see him get his medal.

I think that's about it around here! 

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