Monday, November 26, 2012

Matthew Meets Jeff

A few weeks ago I saw in the paper that the author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books was going to be signing the latest book in the series in Fort Atkinson.  Matthew just loves that series so I called the bookstore and got one of the few remaining spots.  They were only allowing 100 books to be signed during the event and only two people could come per book.

We got to the bookstore just as they were letting people come in and wait inside.  We had to pick up our copy of the book and then wait.  Eight-year-olds do NOT wait very well when they are excited, let me tell you!  He was so cute!  The author's staff was VERY efficient and when he arrived, they went through the line and got the name's of the kids on post-it's, then another staff member put the post it right where the author would be signing.  When we got to the author, the book was all ready to go.  He signed the book and then drew a quick picture of the main character's head.  Matthew was so shy but did manage to say "hi" before I took his picture.

It was so fun and so special to share this neat experience with Matthew and I hope he never forgets it.  And now that I think about it, this is the second celebrity Matthew has met and has a picture with.  We net Alton Brown when Matt was only 2 months old.  I should probably start a scrapbook for him....

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