Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kid Funnies

Yesterday, we were talking about all of the silly things the boys have been saying recently, so I thought I would share them.

Rob and Matthew made a frame for Matthew's twin mattress. (Ben is now in the toddler bed and the big crib is waiting for Anna). Rob had to take it upstairs in pieces and assemble it in their room, but Matthew would not let Rob put the posts on the bed. He says it's because the monsters can't fit under the bed. So, the mattress is on the frame, which is on the floor. Wish I'd thought of that as a kid...

One of Ben's phrases has been saying, "Oh my goodness!" The other day, he ran to the window and said, "Oh my goodness! Daddy took the car!" And then he and I were going to Aldi and as we walked to the car, he said, "Oh my goodness! The car is here!" He has also taken to singing to himself when he plays. It's mostly songs he makes up about whatever toy he is playing with.

Matthew is now a pro at yelling at the characters in Mario Kart. It's pretty funny (and obvious that he got my road rage genes.) He has also earned several trophies and is quite good at it for as young as he is.

One of Matthew's favorite pretends right now is playing pirate. He runs around and yells "Shiver me timbers!" at everyone. He asked me why pirates say that and I said, "Well, maybe they want their timbers shivered." Now he'll ask Ben to shiver his timbers b/c he wants his timbers shivered.

And then there's Anna. She is now rolling over. She's a month and a half ahead of Ben and a month ahead of Matthew on that little milestone. She's holding her head up pretty well now, but does not like to be on her tummy for long. She likes to roll alot, so she'll just roll right on over whenever she's on her back, especially during diaper changes.

Anna now wins the award for Grossest Thing Done to Mommy. She spit up into my mouth the other day. And then she smiled. Let me just state for the record that spit up does not taste good!

We are now at the end of Rob's five day weekend. It was nice. The Custom Shoppe shut down from Thursday-Monday, so that's why he had time off. We just kicked around here, went to the parade on the 4th, played lots of Wii, and had a grand time together. We didn't get to all go to church on Sunday, seeing as Anna has a head cold, but otherwise it was a very nice weekend. Rob does not want to go back to work, but since we like to live in a house and not a cardboard box, I guess he'll have to. Poor guy, his family is SO demanding and picky.....


The Harrisons said...

So cute (except the puke part - that's just nasty!)

gpagmafulkerson said...

Ben's "Oh, my goodness" is what
I said alot.

Shanti said...

john always tells the kids that's why he has to go to work too-- (so we don't have to live in a cardboard box.)

I think that's hilarious about the "shiver me timbers" thing and the whole monsters under the bed bit too.
David is concerned about the monsters in his closet right now.