Friday, September 4, 2009

The Good Behavior Streak Continues

Today, on a whim, I took the kids to the library story hour. Or half hour. I had signed Matthew up for a storytime when he was two, but he hated it and since then we've tried the drop-in times off and on, but they either don't like them or would freak out when I left the room to care for Anna. It's been awhile since I've tried it, so we gave it another go.

Turns out, they loved it! They sat real still on their part of the reading carpet, listened to the stories, and fully participated in the finger plays. There were only a total of seven children and two toddlers, so it was a lot less intimidating for them. The librarian in charge is very friendly and told us at the beginning that this story time is less formal than the Tuesday one. Perfect! She didn't mind at all having little ones running around and making noise. She pulled out some puzzles for Anna and the other toddler and there were balls for them to play with as well. Anna stopped off and on to listen to the stories and the songs, then went back to playing.

All in all, it was a very pleasant experience. We signed up for the Teddy Bear Picnic next week and they are excited about going.

Next new experience for Matthew: Soccer practice tomorrow at 9am.

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