Sunday, September 20, 2009

In short.....

I've been meaing to post something new, but I've been sick this week, so I'll make it short :)

Matthew: Soccer practice very bad. Too distracted. Trying praying about his focus. Game went well and he focused. School good, cute as ever.

Ben: Working on behavior issues. Misses Daddy alot. When confronted about lying this week, he said, "You don't believe me, but I believe me because I'm telling the truth!"

Anna: Stringing together words and picking up new words constantly. Loves running around with her brothers, can sing most of "Jesus Loves Me," and plays "Ring Around the Rosie" by herself. Loves new shoes and dresses. We think she's allergic to animals, will find out more at pediatric appointment next week.

Rob: Starts his on-line classes tomorrow. Is buidling things like crazy around here.

Me and Rob: Started in a parenting class on Wednesday nights and loving it so far. Or hating it b/c it is a little too convicting :)

Me: Loving life right now! God is so good!

1 comment:

The Hawker Family said...

rob....i need a toy box to go in front of the fire place....