Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tooth Removal, Part 2

A year ago January, I started down the dental warpath, taking care of my teeth as I never have before. And, of course, had I taken care of my teeth this battle would never need to have been fought. :) Last Monday, I had a filling in my front top teeth. I was absolutely dreading that appointment. That's the most sensitive area of the mouth and I KNEW it was going to hurt! My fears proved to be unfounded. I was given topical aneseptic (sp?), a small amount of painless shots, followed by the big shots that were also painless. No problems!

Yesterday I went in to have a tooth removed. Another one. THIS one looked so bad (even a year ago) that they kept trying to convince me to take care of it first. I kept telling them it didn't hurt at all, so we worked on other more pressing areas of my mouth. And about two weeks ago, it started to bother me, so the timing was perfect!

I wasn't at all nervous for this appointment. I really wanted this tooth gone. It had errupted and part of it was scraping my cheek. They had earlier tried to talk me into a root canal, but I didn't see the point with a tooth that is chipping anyway. Thankfully, I have a great dentist who respects my decisions and doesn't make me feel guilty for choosing something against his advice. And, a $2,000 root canal was far less appealing than a $200 extraction!

The appointment went well and I have one less tooth bothering me. I'm pretty sore today, but only b/c they had to pull hard on the final root to get it out. That means my mouth got contorted into unbelievable positions. I half expected the dentist to anchor his foot on the chair and pull. I was numbed up pretty good, so I didn't really care :) I have three more fillings to go. Yipee. But it's Rob's turn next for a filling :)

Now to get through this day.....

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