Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fibro Treatment, Week 2

This week was not a good one for me. On Monday, I went to Madison to have a full blood test done. I was rather amazed by the amount of testing my doctor ordered, but very thankful that he ordered all of it. Some of the results are not back yet, but most of them are and it's...well...interesting.

He still has to go through the results with a fine tooth comb, but there are four major things that stood out in the results. My vitamin D levels are low, so I am increasing the amount I am taking. I have inflammation around my heart, possibly diabetes or pre-diabetes, and Hashimoto's disease, or hypothyrodism. That last one comes as a shock, only because my traditional medical doctor did a test for that and it was fine. Turns out, he only did ONE of the tests...what my chiropractor ordered was far more thorough. A normal person has a level no higher than 34. I am 133. So yeah, something is wrong there!

Like I stated previously, he still has to go over all of the results, so I don't know all of what we will be doing about this yet. He will go over that with me on Monday. I do know this: I will be living gluten-free for the rest of my life. The gluten causes parts of my body to attack other parts--honestly, I was listening yet reeling from the info at the same time, so I'm not clear on the details. I am saying good-bye to so many of my favorite foods but I know I'll be saying hello to some new ones as I begin to explore a gluten-free world.

The treatments themselves went well, although I am having a high-pain week. I have had a breakdown almost every day this week just from the sheer "foreverness" of what is happening, along with having to cope with a much different Christmas celebration this year. I'm in so much pain and just so tired all of the time that we can't celebrate as usual. I'm trying hard to still make it fun for the kids and focus on the positive while at the same time mourning the loss of life as I know it. It's really hard, to tell the truth. I did tell Rob that I'd smack the next person who tells me it's all worth it, because I do know it's worth it, I just need to be sad for awhile. In many ways it is like a death. There are many fond memories associated with the types of food I can no longer enjoy and even though I know it hurts my body to eat those things, I still mourn them. I will always have a hard time at gatherings that involve food and at restaurants. I know I'll learn what to eat and how to educate those who might be cooking for me in the future, but it's still hard right now.

In the meantime, my favorite chef has four days off for Christmas, so that will cheer me up. Rob is ready to attack all of this head on and get me as healthy as possible. I'm glad I have such a go-getter in my life. The kids want me healthy too, so they are like little watchdogs, asking if each bite I take is okay. It keeps me going :)


Lyssa said...

Hang in there, honeybee. Praying for you, and for Rob, and praying for wisdom for your healthcare professionals, too.

Joel and Cara said...

Oh my goodness, I'd be in mourning too! One day at a time... Hopefully you'll be feeling so much better very soon! We'll be praying for you. You're very blessed to have such a supportive hubby and kids!! BTW, I have a very yummy gluten-free chocolate/PB cookie recipe if you'd like. It does contain eggs, if that's okay for your diet. We'll definitely miss seeing you all this Christmas! Hope it's still a wonderful one for you!