Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Week of Fibro Treatment Done :)

On Monday, I started my first week of treatment for the fibro. I am doing six weeks of 3-day-a-week treatments, six more of two-day-a-week, and six of one-day-a-week, then an assessment to see how much more we need to do.

So what does a treatment involve? Well, I get adjusted, focusing specifically on areas of my body that will aid in shutting down the pain centers of the brain, which are over-firing right now. This part is very similar to my regular adjustments, so no biggie. Then I have been doing some oxygen therapy. I put some tubes in my nose and breathe in the oxygen pumped at certain levels while standing on a vibrating machine. I will later do a decompression table while on the oxygen. On Friday, I also did a hand pedal machine while breathing. Pretty simple, and believe it or not, I already have noticed a difference in my mental clarity. "Fibro fog" is a very real thing and by getting more oxygen to the areas of my brain that control the pain, my brain gets less "foggy." I finally feel like I can focus on things and am not getting so easily overwhelmed. The pain is still present, but I'm better able to cope with it. It may take awhile before the pain is completely gone.

And then there is the diet: No gluten, eggs, sugar, soy, dairy, peanuts, beans, oil (other than coconut or grapeseed). You know how many foods that rules out??? Seems like everything, but what I am mainly eating are fruits and vegetables, nuts, and lean meat. And I drink water. Some of these foods I will get back as all of my lab results come back and we see what I'm sensitive to, like beans and dark chocolate. The first few days were kind of hard, but it is getting better and I don't feel so hungry all of the time. I have a special drink for breakfast along with a little meat, so that's helped eliminate one decision I have to make :) I am also taking some supplements and I must admit, I love my fish oil!! Tastes like a yummy orange drink and I haven't burped fish once.

It's not all positive, because it is hard to realize how much I'm missing at Christmas. Eventually I'll be able to use alternate grains to make cookies, but not yet b/c my pain is still at a high level. So no Christmas goodies for me. I'm REALLY thankful my mother-in-law brought some down last weekend BEFORE the diet started :) Rob says I'm thinking clearly now...clearly enough to realize I should have waited to start next week...but the sooner the better to make me better.

So that's it for now. In a nutshell, things are going well, but it's a hard adjustment. We're going to take the kids with us with the dietary changes as much as we can so they will be healthier as well. They are excited about trying new fruits and veggies. I've been blessed with adventurous children :)

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