Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fibro Treatment, Week 3

This week was full of ups and downs and since I'd rather end the post on a happy note, will start with the downs.

1. I've felt worse as the week has gone on, particularly today. But, I know why: the last round of parasites in my system should be dying. He said that's why I felt so crummy over Christmas and now over New Year's. I think I'm going to celebrate Valentine's big time this year to make up for it :)

2. A heavy mug crashed onto our glass top stove and cracked it. Two of the eyes still work, but it will cost as much to fix as it did to purchase, so we're just going to put up with it for now. And since a cracked glass top is not covered under our warranty (even though it was bought less than a year ago) we'll never buy one again.

3. I'm hungry....all of the time....

1. Any day now, Dr. W should get my results back regarding food sensitivities so I'll know hopefully next week what I can add back to my diet.

2. I have lost 10 pounds since starting the diet and already fit back into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt I haven't been able to wear for awhile. Dr. W thinks I'll lose another 10-20 before the end of January...I sense a shopping spree coming on in the spring!

3. I have settled into the eating plan and while I still crave a few things, it's getting easier to eat this way. The kids are eating much healthier as well and are loving the dietary changes...well, all except for almond butter, so we may switch back to natural peanut butter. But they are loving the almond milk!

4. Rob's home for another 3-day weekend :)

This next week, I'll start two new things during my treatments: some type of acupuncture and a decompression table. I'll fill you all in on how that goes next week. Oh, and he did say regarding the thyroid issue and diabetes that we are already doing things that will help, so nothing new on that front for now :)

1 comment:

MRTrexler said...

Parasites? Can you explain?

Glad to hear that some of the treatments are working well!