Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cutting Anna's Hair

I decided to trim Anna's hair the other night. It grows so slowly that it has only been trimmed once in her short little life. Some of it is growing uneven, so after her bath I told her I was going to cut her hair, but just a bit. Right before I started, she asked, "Will it hurt?" I told her that she wouldn't feel a thing. Then she got real quiet and after a few snips said, "Makaila had her hair cut and she looks like a boy." (A friend of hers had a hair cut and the lady cut it much shorter than her mother wanted it to be.) I explained that she'd still look like a girl :)

When we were all done, I showed Anna how little of her hair was trimmed off. She glanced at it, then immediately got on the step stool and looked at herself in the mirror, turning her head both directions multiple times. Because I had moussed her hair and scrunched it, it did look a little short. She started to panic and said, "It's too short!!" I explained that it would look a little longer in the morning when it was dry. Poor little thing--I didn't realize how traumatic a haircut can be when you're only three!

And yes, she was fine in the morning. Her new obsession is headbands and she still looks like a girl in them :)

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