Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Health Update

It's been a looooong time since I did an update on my health so here goes!  I have officially finished the first six months of treatment.  In mid-May I was retested to see what has improved and how much more work is yet to be done.  Almost all of my numbers improved over last time.  Some of them are not yet at optimal levels, but those are the ones that take longer to fix.  The two main areas that regressed deal with the inflammation around my heart and my iron levels.  My food info was also retested and I can have everything except gluten (lifetime on that one anyway), potato, and quinoa.  The last two are a little tricky b/c there are flours and starches in gluten-free foods that contain them, but they don't seem to bother me.  Potatoes and quinoa in regular form do.  I know I have to avoid gluten for sure b/c it bothers me fiercely if there is even a trace in my food. 

I am overall feeling better, but the lower iron levels do make me tired during the day.  Hopefully we'll see an improvement soon.  My biggest other problem right now is the continuing sensory issues.  I no longer have that bizarre ear thing going on, but rather pain that shoots up my left arm when something is too loud.  It happens most often in church.  I've been trying to attend different services and try different combinations but so far nothing has worked.  I've varied where I sit in church to no avail.  This past Sunday I tried just the AM service and as soon as the organ began, pain shot up my arm and didn't leave until the next day.  It has been suggested that I might try sitting in the foyer, but I really don't see the point of attending the service when I'm only listening.  I may as well stay home and listen to the service on-line. 

So here is where we are at:  as far as treatments go, my doctor will be presenting me with a new plan of attack on Thursday.  It will be more of a fine-tuning rather than an all out attack like the first six months.  We also have to make sure we can afford it.  The church situation is a matter of prayer right now.  I will still take the kids on Wednesday nights but Sundays are up in the air.  I'm such a horrible, miserable person after attending church on  Sundays that I have to make a choice:  Be in pain and avoid the fam all Sunday afternoon or skip being fed spiritually and being part of the corporate body of believers.  Prayers for wisdom are appreciated.

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