Sunday, June 24, 2007

Benjamin Joel a.k.a. Puddy

The Puddy, the Pudmeister, the Pud-a-rama, the Pudinator...that's our little Ben! He has so many nicknames, but he has so many little "personalities" that it seems to suite him. I'm often asked, "Do you call him Benjamin or Ben?" The answer is "yes." He even gets called Benji (not Rob's favorite) and Benny! He's a delightful little sweetheart, a mischevious booger, and a mama's boy all rolled into one.

Benjamin Joel's story is not as involved as Matthew's. We were out for a walk in late May of 2005 and Rob said, "It feels like someone is missing from the family." By July, we knew that I was expecting again. My pregnancy with Ben was much less eventful, although I did have gestational diabetes again (lost 22 pounds!) and he was also breech. There is no medical reason for both boys to be breech: I just think they wanted to be close to my heart. I carried him well and taught up until the day before he was born. Rob said I was slowing down, but I really don't remember getting all that tired. I did have a horrendous head cold which did not go away. Having a c-section and a head cold at the same time did not make life real pleasant, but I managed.

Ben came into the world screaming his head off and continues to make his presence known. He was a wonderful baby and always knew that nighttime was for sleeping. He ate constantly, but slept often and charmed all of us to pieces. Matthew just loves his little brother and gave him the most wonderful adivce early on--Don't pick your nose. He sailed through babyhood with nary a "scratch" and we just adore him.

Lest you think my Benny-boy is perfect, I need to tell you that he inherited Mommy's temper. He throw things when he doesn't get his way, screams and hollers at everyone, and doesn't really respond to corrections yet. Thankfully, he's not often like that and does tend to cool down quickly.

I know all moms are biased toward their little ones, but Ben is just so cute! I love to watch him walk around and play with toys, explore new horizons, and play with people. He has an infectious smile and the cutest little voice. He's learning new words all the time. The most recent addition to his vocab is "buh-bye" and he says it often. His favorite word is "Mommy." I know most little ones say "ma-ma" but my boys are partial to mommy. In fact, "ma-ma" was Matthew's word for "more." Ben just picked up the habit from Big Brother.

Well, if I gave ten reasons why I love Matthew, then I need to do the same for Ben. I'll try to keep it at ten...he's just so cute!

1. His smile is so sweet, especially when he gives his big cheesy grin.

2. He has a funny waddle-walk that proves he still has some baby in him.

3. He's a smart little guy and remembers most things you tell him.

4. He, like his brother, is an easy passenger in the car.

5. He is absolutely fearless. He's not afraid of running out in the street, chasing a flock of ducks, or hitting his older brother.

6. He's a good eater and even eats my baking mistakes.

7. He can always make me smile, even when I'm having a bad day.

8. He makes the cutest pouty faces when I say it's time for bed. (I confess--I say it on purpose just to see the face!)

9. He always attracts a crowd at the park (which means I get "help" watching him.)

10. He is the "son of my right hand" just as his name suggests.

Thanks for enriching my life, Handsome!


The Harrisons said...

So precious :) You made me tear up! Time to figure out how to add pics!

Shanti said...

I like the way you did the "top ten" about your kiddos. I'm still giving my kids "code names" on my blog due to privacy issues. I'm just a paranoid freak I guess. haha!

Shanti said...

btw...I just added you as a link on my sidebar. If you don't like it, just scream.

hartgirlies said...

What a cutie! Hey, I might just get pregnant again and make myself get gestational diabetes so I can lose 22 lbs. Sounds like a great diet plan to me!
On second thought, there is no room at the inn and the baby would have to sleep in the shed. DCFS might have something to say about that!