Friday, June 29, 2007

Lighting Fish

Yup, you guessed it. Tonight we took the boys outside to catch "lighting fish." If you don't know what they are, they look an awful lot like lightning bugs, but with a pre-school name.

Matthew had a lot of fun trying to catch them. I'm surprised that he took to it so quickly, considering his intense fear of insects. Yesterday, he had a friend over and kept trying to pull him away from a "bug area." Today, he ate a piece of food off the floor and I noticed small ants near it and teased him about eating bugs. He went and washed his hands and mouth and asked for a drink, then sulked on a chair for awhile. (Yes, I did apologize, but after laughing quite a bit!)

Anyway, he and Daddy caught a few and put them in a mason jar I supplied. Then we let them go. Unfortunately, Matthew recaught one and squished it, then wiped the remains onto his dear father, who was equally grossed out.

What was Ben doing during the mayhem? Well, running around and yelling with Matthew, running into the street repeatedly, and falling face first into the grass. I'd say he had just as much fun!

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