Wednesday, April 2, 2008

An Update

Well, Miss Anna is 12 days old now and it feels like she's always been part of the family. We are enjoying her tremendously. She is a delightful baby, very beautiful, and a joy to all of us. I though I'd give an update based on each family member adjusting to our newest member.

Rob: Rob is, of course, the best daddy ever. He adores babies, his in particular, so he's having lots of fun with her. He has been splitting the night stuff with me mainly because I could not haul myself out of bed until recently. I'm starting to take it over more now, so he would be getting more rest, but he's spending the wee hours of the morning getting caught up on schoolwork. It's been so nice to have him home from work. He managed to get his desk finished and upstairs (with lots of help from the boys) and is keeping up with housework. We've had several meals brought in, so he hasn't had to cook that much. He's a terrific cook but it's nice that he hasn't had to spend a lot of time in that department.

Matthew: He is such a good big brother! He loves his little sister and has taken to calling her "The Princess." "Does the Princess need a diaper?" "Awww, the Princess is hungry!" And my favorite, "I can't hear the T.V! The Princess is crying!" He loves to hold her and help feed her. He even handled a diaper change! I think they might just be buddies when she gets bigger b/c she seems to love him, too!

Benjamin: He also loves his sister, but is less interested than Matthew. That's understandable...he is younger. I also have not let him hold her yet b/c his cold is still pretty bad. But, he loves to help fetch diapers and wipes for me and will talk to her a little.

Anna: Sweetheart! She and I did give up on the nursing adventure, especially since the last time I tried to feed her she latched, then said "uh-uh" and cried for a bottle. Oh well, at least she lasted longer than the boys. She was at a high risk for abnormal jaundice b/c our blood types don't match and the nurses at the hospital said that drinking all that formula probably helped keep her healthy. She is a funny little noisemaker and sounds like a cross between a velociraptor from Jurassic Park and Chewbacca from Star Wars. Rob likes messing with her to get her to make noises! We' ve had a few sleepless nights simply because she just likes to be awake when we want to sleep. She's an easy baby so far and not prone to needless crying.

Me: I'm healing pretty well. I can't seem to shake these headaches, but I think they are sinus headaches so I'm going to try some Sudafed. Most of my aches and pains have dulled and I'm getting around the house pretty well. I went out to Wal-Mart today after a doctor's visit and that was enough. In my home, I'm the queen again and able to do light housework. It'll be a few more weeks before I'm up to outside stuff, but that's okay.

That's us! We're doing pretty well and having a good time with our new little one.


The Harrisons said...

Glad your getting better - only a few more non picture posts will be allowed so :-) That is so funny that Matthew calls her the princess :-)

Unknown said...

Did you check out the album I put on my Facebook page? There are lots of them!!

cardboardkiller said...

cute profile picture :)