Monday, March 1, 2010

Silliness from the week

On Saturday, I was vacuuming the carpet in the living room and Anna, as usual, put both hands over her ears. Part way through the job, she took one hand off, pointed to a spot I had missed, and kept pointing until the job was done. Then she put her hand back over her ear.

Anna also enjoys doing chores with me (other than vacuuming.) I bought two small spare dusters for the kids to use and when I dust, she makes sure the couches and pillows are well-dusted. She is also my paper towel holder when I clean the bathroom.

At church last night, Matthew requested his own hymnal so he could follow along with us. Usually he looks off mine and I point out the words. He's been following along well so I figured it was probably time for his own. After the first verse, he leaned over and said rather proudly, "I finished before you guys did!"

I had to have a chat with Ben about some misbehavior after lunch today and at the end of our discussion, I explained to him that I want him to grow up to be like his Daddy someday because his Daddy follows the Lord. He replied, "Some daddies have hair and some don't. I hope I have hair because Daddy doesn't." I don't think the message got through :)

And I need to share a praise. Several months ago, I resigned from my position as nursery greeter coordinator. I just need to be in the services more consistently and need to help Rob with the boys more on Sunday nights. I was just informed last night that a replacement has been found. Hopefully within the next month I will prepare the new person to take over and have this responsibility gone. I've felt for some time that that Lord wants me to move on and I'm so very thankful that my nursery days are numbered! I'll still serve once a month until Anna is out of the nursery but I won't be in charge of anything. Hooray!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Hooray for abdicating responsibilities! Nothing worse than serving in a position just because you feel opposed to feeling called and passionate about your calling.