Monday, May 3, 2010

OSHA rules out the window

As a teacher, we took OSHA training every year as part of orientation. Part of that training included how to properly lift things. Four years have gone by since my last session, and I guess I need a refresher course. On Saturday, I decided to do everything wrong to lift a tub and ended up pulling a muscle (or several) in my leg and hip.

The blessing of boys clothing was still sitting in the kitchen in garbage bags. We have already separated it out and that pile needed to be in the basement. However, I'm not storing things in bags, so we bought two of the largest tubs we could find. I took the tubs into the kitchen and filled one up. Then I realized that the next tub was still underneath of the full one. So I tried to separate them, even using Ben to help. I lifted with my back, pulled at angles, and before I knew it was yelping in pain. Ben shot outside to get Rob, who was filling up the sandbox with sand. Rob shot inside (leaving Anna unattended) and I shooed him right back out. He finished and came in, then he and I got the tubs separated.

As the the day wore on, I had a few more moments of twinging the injury doing simple tasks, like walking and bending. I was pretty sore yesterday, but still made it to church. Sitting in the pew was very uncomfortable, so I stayed home last night. (Related to that..the boys usually stay home with me or Rob if we're not going to the Sunday night service and Anna goes to the nursery with the attender. Ben begged to go with Rob and behaved perfectly in the service. Woo-hoo!)

I'm still sore today, but getting around better. And I learned my lesson about lifting. Scout's honor.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Ugh, back pain = no fun. :-( Hope you recover soon!