Friday, May 28, 2010

Week o' Cancellations

Our calendar looked pretty full at the beginning of this week, but one by one, things have been knocked off. Apparently, Ben DID have a head cold back when we thought it was only allergy trouble (the doc did say he could have a cold, but allergies were his main problem) because he has passed it on to Matthew, Rob and myself. I was feeling pretty miserable on Wednesday, so I missed church. Tuesday I was supposed to go to a Vintage Nouveau class to learn some more cardmaking techniques and my demo moved the class b/c SHE was sick. Tonight we were supposed to have a couples Pampered Chef party and we're both too sick. And because of the illness, my sister postponed her trip up here to see us.

I'm not all that disappointed, to be honest. My sister's visit, the party, and the class will all happen at a later time and I'll hopefully be feeling up to enjoying each one of them. I have a weak immune system and always have, so I'm thinking about trying a supplement from Shaklee specifically for immunity. Ben and I are on alfalfa tablets now for our allergies and that seems to be working for both of us. We both catch everything, so I think we need to take it to the next step.

Today I finished the grocery shopping while Rob took the kids to the park. (Sick parents still need to funcion, unfortunately.) The city workers had just been at the park painting benches, but didn't leave very clear 'wet paint' signs. Matthew climbed on a bench and got it all over his legs, arms, and hands. Rob's now out trying to find something to take off the paint. I'm not sure why they didn't paint them BEFORE placing them in the parks for the summer, but we're not real happy with the park and rec department right now.

Rob is off today and Monday, so we're going to recover from this cold, do a little cleaning, and enjoy some family time. Oh, Rob lost his wallet on Wednesday and we spent three hours searching for it that afternoon. He finally gave up and started looking again today. After looking in a few more areas, he gave up and got ready for the park. He grabbed his ballcap and lo and behold, his wallet was inside! He says he vaguely remembers throwing it into his cap before hanging it up. Kind of strange, but we're thankful it showed up!

Time to crash on the couch...


gpagmafulkerson said...

Extra vitamin c, zinc has really helped us.

Shanti said...

Hope u all feel Better soon! That horrible cold thing hasjust finished making it's rounds here.

Beverly said...

We are big Shaklee fans here. :-)