Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ends and Odds

Since my last post, Anna has been doing pretty good with the potty training. She's had a couple of accidents, but she doesn't like having accidents, so the frequency of them has gone down. It's pretty hilarious to take her potty b/c she giggles whenever she pees. Rob wanted to know if that was a "girl thing" but I told him it's just an "Anna thing."

I had to share this little story: A couple of days ago, Anna decided she didn't want milk for lunch, so she dumped it into the sink. The boys' eyes grew huge, because they know that's a pretty big offense around here. Anna was told she had to have water for lunch. She proceeded to throw a huge fit. The boys kept trying to leave the lunch table, but I told them to patiently wait it out...she'd quit soon. When she did stop crying, she sat down only to find that she had the "ouchie" chair, as she calls our backless chair. Both boys immediately got up and offered her their chairs. Aren't they just the sweetest little gentlemen??

Our missions conference has been going on this week, so we've been going to church each night this week. I can tell it is wearing on the kids, because they are getting tireder and crankier each day. They are enjoying the DVD presentations (remember projectors??) and the kids sessions.

I think that's about all the update I can handle right now...I'm a little tired myself!

1 comment:

Shanti said...

Wow. New look to your blog! I've not been around in awhile. Trying to change that! Soooooooooo busy!