Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Happy" Father's Day

Well, we knew going into this weekend that Father's Day might not be so happy for Rob. He has the day off work (first weekend off in a month) but with my tooth pain we weren't sure how good I would be feeling. So it wasn't too surprising when I got up this morning and went right back to bed. Yeah, I got to sleep in on Father's Day. The kids got up and made Rob some pictures, which is more than I did b/c I completely forgot about Father's Day cards until late Friday night and wasn't able to get them done. (Sorry Dad and Dad-in-law...your cards will be late). I popped some pain meds and we went to church.

Ugh. Yeah. We had one child who was so unruly that his/her SS teacher had to find me between services. We pulled the errant one out of their second service class and had he/she/it sit with us in the service. The child was NOT too happy about it, but complied and Rob had a nice long chat with him/her. (We're protecting the not-so-innocent, but grandparents may feel free to ask.) Rob and I were both very upset about what happened, so much so that I don't think we caught much of the service. And I was in pain.

We left church and went out to lunch at the Pine Cone, a truck stop restaurant in Johnson Creek. That place is worth a stop for the enormous desserts alone! They are two to three times the size of any restaurant desserts I've ever seen and half the price. But, it's a popular place and very busy, so we had a long wait for a table. Thankfully, our waitress was quick and we had speedy service. The food was delicious as usual, but I managed to have three or four pain attacks while eating.

The kids spent most of the afternoon cleaning up their toy room and bedroom with Rob while he spent loads of time imparting wisdom to them about behavior. We had noticed as the VBS week progressed that both boys were becoming pretty bad behavior problems. It just goes back to the fact that when kids are around kids more, they learn kid behavior, and that's not a good thing. It really has reinforced our decision to homeschool and have our children learn proper behavior from adults, not from kids.

And during all of that, I slept. This Tylenol 3 with codeine is really starting to get to me. One day left!!

So Rob is now making homemade pizza and plans to play some Wii tonight to give himself a better ending to the day. I told him that the next time he has a Saturday or Sunday off we'll have a belated Father's Day celebration and make it a really special day for him. He deserves it...he's such a great dad!!

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