Saturday, June 25, 2011

Swim Lessons and the Root Canal

The boys finished their swim lessons this week and while neither of them passed Level 1, they still did an excellent job. We got a full checklist of the skills they needed to have to pass and Ben had far more of them checked off than Matthew! I'm not surprised, because Ben is much less timid in the water. They were a little more relieved when they spoke with one of their classmates who passed, but said this was his second time through this level. They are both determined to pass next time and want to practice as much as they can. I think we'll be hitting the beach a few times this week b/c it is supposed to be very warm. They also got a free pass to the Aquatic Center, so we'll go there sometime as well.

I had my root canal on Monday and it went as well as can be expected. The procedure took longer than I expected it to take and I was rather sore on Monday night. A friend came over to watch my kids since Rob had to work and another friend brought us dinner, so we were taken care of. The kids did great that night as well, so I had it pretty easy. Well, except for the extremely sore mouth :) I was sore somewhat on Tuesday, but have been feeling fine the rest of the week. The tooth feels MUCH better and I'm thankful I had this done!

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