Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chunky Monkey

Anna had her two month check-up on Thursday and tipped the scales at 13 lbs 1 oz, making her weight in the 90th percentile. Her height was 22 1/2 inches, at the 50th percentile. So, she's short and fat, just like her momma :) The boys were both about 22 1/2 inches at that age, so she's following right along, but she weighs a bit more than them. Matthew was 10 lbs 4 oz (keeping in mind that he had surgery a month before that appointment) and Ben was 11 lbs 14oz. They said she's a healthy weight, so we're not worried. What's funny is that her head is also at the 50th percentile, so she has a small head with a chubby body. It's cute.

She also made the phrase "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" come alive after her shots. She cried b/c of the pain (thanks to me for forgetting to give her Tylenol in advance) and then settled down. Then she got mad. And she let the whole clinic KNOW that she was NOT HAPPY. Oh, there were no tears, just lots of screaming! And Mommy is thinking, "Great. Another one with a temper...."

I'll post more family updates later. I'm supposed to be making baby shower invites right now while Rob's out with the kids.....


The Harrisons said...

Yay for chubby babies - more to love! Can't wait to see her tomorrow!!!!

Beverly said...

Heh! Kenna also has quite the temper. She's getting dramatic with it, too. When I tell her no or take something away that she isn't supposed to have, she gets on the floor and carefully "throws" her head back (but not enough to whack it on the tile floor), watching me closely to see if her little tantrum is having any effect. It does--I have to turn my head and laugh!!

Anonymous said...

Aren't tantrums fun? I heard a little boy (probably less than a year old) screaming his head off the entire 20 minutes I was in the grocery store with my kids today. It sounded like he had JUST gotten jabbed with a needle or something but was NOT getting over it. I ended up leaving the store without picking up everything I needed because my nerves were shot listening to him. LOL

Evan tried pitching a fit today about something while we were watching Sela at gymnastics. He decided to "stop, drop, and roll" at one point, and I suggested he might find a safer place to fall down and throw his fit so he wouldn't hurt his head on the support beams of the metal bleachers. I'm so sympathetic. Teehee.