Friday, May 2, 2008


Well, I failed my two-hour follow-up glucose test. This means that I need to see a regular doctor and start talking about diabetes prevention. Rob and I already had plans to change our lifestyle as far as eating habits and exercise, so this gives us an extra kick. We bought a Wii system to help with that and plan to purchase Wii Fit to give us a fun way to excercise. (I would like to thank my children for existing so that we got a huge tax return so that we could purchase the Wii system...after paying down some debt, of course!)

My pre-diabetic buddy and I can be in this together (my daddy) so I have plenty of support. And possibly my sister, who failed her one hour test.

Oh, here's an interesting bit of info: All four of us (my three sibs and I) are having/have had babies this year. My sister and I are having/had girls and my brothers are having boys. Now what are the odds of four siblings having babies the same year and the babies are the same gender as that sibling? Baby Anna, Baby MacKenzie, Baby TBA, and Baby Jake are pretty special!


The Harrisons said...

Sorry to hear about your test - that stinks!

On the other hand - I am sooo dying to play a Wii!!! I am offically inviting myself over to play when we come to visit in May.

(I used to want to come to see the baby but now that you have a Wii, she's been beaten out - ha ha ha )

Beverly said...

I'm commenting because I just read your "Books I'm Reading" list and laughed at the first title!