Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

Today we started our preschool adventure. Rob and I wanted to give it a snazzy name, but decided on a pretty generic one instead: Bob's Preschool. I like it, he likes it, and there's no real significance to it....

I have to admit that I did not spend hours in preparation for amazing lessons nor did I try to dazzle my small class with crazy art projects. Instead, we started simply. I am using a book called "Early Education at Home." It is geared towards 3-5 year olds and can also be used for kindergarten (although I was given a whole kindergarten cirriculum by a friend, so I'm set for the next two years.) The reason why I like this book is because I can really taylor it to meet the needs of my two little students. Matthew is in the middle-range, so some activities are too basic and some too challenging. Ben's at the beginning, so I can use the easiest things for him, but he won't be overwhelmed. Matthew enjoys the easy stuff, but is doing things more age-appropriate when Ben naps. At least that's the goal right now.

We began our day with chore time, which we instituted a few weeks ago to get the into the idea of a schedule. Then I introduced our school stuff to them. I have a folder for each of them with coloring and workbook pages that go along with the theme for the week (this week is "A", red, and creativity.) They will complete these pages during the course of the week. Matthew's folder also includes lined paper so he can learn to print his name. He does it already, but it's that early printing where the letters are all over the paper, not in a row. They each have a pencil box with age-appropriate supplies (i.e. Ben does not have scissors and a pencil sharpener.) We had our Bible lesson this morning, given by Daddy, and for the rest of the week will read books about families, which is the social studies focus.

We had quiet play time before "class" started and they enjoyed it because it included toys they had not seen all summer long. We had outside play afterwards and I gave them sidewalk chalk, which was a new thing for them. I'm really trying to keep a balance between sitting time and active time since they are boys!

Matthew ate up everything we did. He is so ready for schooling! I don't want to overwhelm him and burn him out, so we're just starting with small things and working our way up. I have loads of art supplies and learning tools, so we have a wide variety of things to do this year. Benjamin, on the other hand, threw a world-class fit the entire time. He woke up too early this morning and on those days, nothing makes him happy. I'm only including him b/c I know he'd just get into everything anyway...I have very few ambitions for him this year outside of learning his colors and shapes. I figure it doesn't hurt to have stuff for him to do while Matthew learns, but he's free to come and go. Matthew and I can work on other things while he naps.

What did Anna do all this time? Well, she was napping at first, then she ate during the Bible story, and then Daddy took her to get her pictures taken at Wal-Mart (sorry, Shelly!) She did take a very good picture, but managed to break down during the six obligatory required pictures. We have the print-out and it's pretty funny to see the digression of her tolerance to pictures!

I have a horrible cold right now and thought about putting this off until later in the week, but I figured that if I could teach a whole day like this when I was a paid educator, I can handle an hour or two with the little guys. It was fun, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow!


Beverly said...

Ah, brings back memories of doing this with Charis! I can't believe I'm homeschooling a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and kindergartner this year. Plus trying to keep a 1 1/2 year old from tearing the house down...

The Harrisons said...

Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of fun :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay for the first day of school! We're starting Monday, because I want to have a shot at getting through all 21 books in Five-in-a-Row Vol. 1 before the baby arrives.

John said that he thinks Sela needs a lunch box and first-day-of-school outfit, so we're going shopping. Yay! I always loves it when buying something frivolous is HIS idea! ;-) But he wants to hype up the whole first day of school thing.

I'm going to be doing "Letter of the Week" Preparatory curriculum ( with Evan. He knows a few colors and shapes but not the common ones (LOL). I think both kids will sit in on the other's "school time" for the most part. I also just requested a "Little Artists" book from (free!). It sounds like it has a lot of really basic and classic crafts, even making paper snowflakes.

Have you tried letting Ben use safety scissors? I turned Evan loose with a pair the other day while Sela was cutting and glue-sticking something, and he spent an hour sitting in his high chair and cutting up a piece of construction paper!