Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Fun Family Day

We had a great day today just hanging out as a family. This morning Rob tried a new pancake recipe: cinnamon roll pancakes. They turned out pretty good. He doesn't usually experiment with bread-type things, but this was a good gamble. Then we straightened up the house and prepared to head off to McDonald's for the "no more diapers" celebration. Since our Mickey D's burned down a few months ago (and they are planning to rebuild it, we just discovered) we went to Jefferson, the nearest one with a Playland.

The boys haven't been to a McDonald's for several months now so Ben was a bit intimidated by the play structure. He's afraid of heights anyway, so he timidly made his way around the thing, getting rescued by a nice older girl at one point. Once he'd gone around to every area once, he chose the "safest" places to play. Matthew, on the other hand, was like watching a monkey swinging around his cage. Absolutely fearless! He was born in the year of the monkey, so I suppose it makes sense. :)

We left after about an hour and a half and went to Wal-Mart to make a few purchases and then we headed home. We had a great time this afternoon just hanging out together. The boys worked on growing crystals from a kit Matthew received for Christmas. Ben hasn't napped for the past two days and I might just keep him on that new schedule. He goes down earlier at night and sleeps in later, so it's not too bad. I might even move their school time to the afternoon when Anna is napping, since she's in the process of giving up her morning nap. I just love massive schedule changes.....

Anyway, we got pizza tonight from our favorite place...Ricos! They have reopened again and had large pizzas for $5 for the church family. (The owners are members of our church.) It's the best pizza in town, so it was a great deal. Then we hooked up the VCR and let the boys watch Lilo and Stitch for the first time. Matthew was so into the movie that I thought he was going to cry when Stitch left Lilo and when Cobra Bubbles was going to remove Lilo from her home. He loved the movie as much as Rob and I do (we laughed ourselves silly the first time we saw it!) I tried to find my talking Stitch, but I can't find him anywhere. You ask him questions and he talks back to you...very goofy, but alot of fun!

The kids are now heading to bed and it's just been a great day. Anna was so silly tonight and kept trying to entertain us by laying on her back and laughing and kicking her feet. She's a little ham for clue where she gets it from.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

I think we're headed for a massive schedule change too. fun. fun.

Lilo & Stitch cracks me up too! I think it's one of my brother's all time favorite movies! It's funny just to watch him watching it!