Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kid Quotes

Heard over the last few days at our house:

Matthew was watching 101 Dalmations and he said, "Mommy, Cruella DeVil is not real." I said, "That's right, she's not." Matthew then said, "Mommy, if Cruelle DeVil WAS real, I'd be nervous."

Ben, Anna, and I had gone upstairs this morning so that I could get Anna dressed and he decided to go potty. While he was in the bathroom, he yelled out, "Mommy, you don't have a wee-wee. How do you go pee-pee without a wee-wee?" All I could do was laugh. Come on, the kid is not even three yet and he's already making these connections? He was distracted right away afterwards by a toy, so I didn't have to answer!

Rob was coming downstairs for devotions two days ago and heard Anna say "Da-da. Ba-ba, Da-da?" He turned around to pick her up and brought her down to eat. She's been getting up around 6am the past two mornings so we're having our not-so-quiet times.


Joel and Cara said...

yeah, it took me a while to make that connection too. :)

Shanti said...

LOL!! I love the Cruella DeVil thing. She's definitely one of those villians that freak out the kids a bit more. They just made her---well--so evil! :-)