Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bad Guys

The boys have been enlightening me lately on bad guys and I thought I'd share their insights with all of you.

1. Bad guys don't pray before they eat. They just start eating.

2. Bad guys don't accept Jesus as their Saviour. They accept Satan as their saviour. (Matthew and I had a bit of a discussion after that one.)

3. Bad guys don't put their leftovers in the fridge. They want them to go bad and then they eat them.

And my favorite....

4. Bad guys don't wipe their bottoms. They just get all itchy.


The Harrisons said...

Classic!!!! Your boys are so funny :)

Shanti said...


Angela and I just had a discussion on robbers. She did not know women could be robbers. She also thought that all robbers wore black and white striped clothing. LOL!

This discussion ensued when I was trying to talk to them about never opening the door for strangers. They wanted to know why of course, and the easiest thing to explain to them was "robbers". ;-) Angela thought she could easily identify them by their sex and clothing. ha! I explained that they could look like anybody and could dress and look like nice women too. She was shocked beyond all belief. It was really funny!

Beverly said...

ROFL! Your little guys are too much!!