Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What I Learned Today

Today I learned that it is possible to wet your pants and not your underwear. Ben had an accident and went upstairs to change his pants. When he came downstairs, I asked him if he had changed his underwear as well. He said no, because he had only gotten his pants wet. I informed him that he probably got his underwear wet too. He got a panicked look on his face and raced back up the stairs. Silly boy.

Matthew always amuses me with his question-asking. He usually answers his own questions while asking them. For example: "Why is Max burying the beans so that they can grow into a beanstalk?" Somehow he sees beyond the obvious and proceeds to make up grand, elaborate answers to his own questions when I fail to answer them adequately.

Matthew has also taken up whining as a hobby here recently. It gets to be very dramatic and I can't imagine where he gets it from. The other day I asked him to pick up his toys and he replied, "It will taken me 100 weeks to clean up all these toys!" Never and always have become a permanent part of his vocabulary as in "You NEVER let me play with that toy" and "You ALWAYS ask me to get a diaper for Anna." We have noticed that he needs some kind of outside outlet for his energy, but Gymtastics is both too expensive and too easy to attempt at home, he's too young for Little Dunkers basketball this year (but next year he can go), and swim lessons just ended, so I'll have to wait until April to enroll him. I'll just keep on keeping him occupied with activities at home.

And then there is Miss Anna. She's such a dolly. She's not quite walking yet but she cruises everywhere. I have seen her lift her hands off the couch and walk along side it and take a couple steps from one couch to the next. She'll also walk to us if she feels safe enough, but she isn't interested in taking off just yet. I keep getting asked why I want her to walk. She's probably 22-23 pounds right now...that's reason enough! She's heavy! I've been wearing my wrist brace more and more recently and I need a break. She's a little sick right now, but nothing too bad. She's slept alot today so that has helped. She has a current virus...you know, whatever virus is currently going around.

I think that's all the news for now. Oh, Rob survived yet another round of layoffs at work yesterday. I'm kind of wondering how far this can go before the furniture has to build itself.

1 comment:

Joel and Cara said...

Oh yeah, I ditto your pain in carrying around a heavy baby! At this rate,I fear Ezra will be a good 30 lbs before he can walk! :)