Friday, February 6, 2009

One of Those Days

I had one of "those" days today, you know, the kind where every time I turned around, the kids were making me laugh. Anna in general makes me laugh because she's just such a funny baby. I love watching her explore her world, make all kinds of noises (right now it's the "o" sound and "uh-oh" is her favorite expression), and make a bee line for the stairs every time she hears the gate move. She even figured out how to squeeze between the piano and the side of the stairs to get around the gate! Rob extended the gate so she can't do that anymore, but I think that as soon as she's walking well I'm going to have to teach her how to go up and down the stairs safely like I (and my mother-in-love) did for Matthew at that age. Tonight just before bed, Rob said, "Anna, it's bedtime. Wanna go upstairs?" She turned and looked at him with the biggest eyes, then made for the staircase!

I was playing Mario Kart Wii tonight and Ben kept trying to watch me directly in front of the TV. For those who are not Wii addicts, the sensor bar for the system sits on top of the TV and can't pick up the remote if a toddler's head is in the way. And I couldn't see. I told him to move, unless he could take off his head. So, for the next five minutes, Ben proceeded to attempt to remove his head. Rob told him he had to screw it off first. Ben couldn't find the screws, so he gave up and sat on the couch.

Anna has been doing much better eating solid foods recently (she even ate rice, peas, and carrots tonight!) so the boys are allowed to share cracker-y snacks with her. I was in the kitchen when I heard Matthew say, "Come here, little baby! Come here, baby! Get your snack, little baby!" Hmmm....I don't think she turned into a dog.'s just been a good day. Ben even napped for a bit on the couch. We have a quiet rest time each afternoon so that the boys can rest their bodies, I can actually sit down, and it's quiet while Anna goes down for her nap. Ben will occasionally fall asleep, like today, so Matthew and I were able to have his schooltime w/o Ben. We even played a game of Candyland (which I won...revenge is so sweet b/c he beat me yesterday at Candyland and Chutes and Ladders!) Ben is learning to play but it's just easier with only me and Matthew.

We also played Roll and Play earlier and the card Ben drew on one turn said to touch his toes. Instead of merely bending over, he had to take off his socks (or swim flippers, depending on who you talk to) and his footie pajamas to ACTUALLY touch his toes. What a literalist!

I just heard the oven beep, so it's time to throw in our appetizer for our at-home date night. Rob and I often do these b/c we hate trying to find babysitters for our kids (thanks a lot for moving to Ohio, Rachael!!). We usually have some kind of pie that was on sale at the store and an appetizer and play a game. Tonight is "The Perfect Ten" which is a super-complicated trivia game that took us forever to learn how to play and we're still not sure we're doing it right. But, since it's just us, we don't care and we have fun anyway. You have ten rounds to correctly answer ten trivia questions from different categories. You find out how many you got right, but not which ones are right, so it's a strategy game as well. We bought it on a date night and played it in Denny's. Ages seems!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Shanti said...

ROFL! Your kids crack me up!

And ya know... if you'd just move to Ohio too, you'd have a babysitter again...

Unknown said...

Nya-nya-nya....I just found one today. Date on Friday!!! Woo-hoo!!