Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ben funnies

We took a trip this past weekend, but I'm not up to loads of typing yet, so I'll blog about that later. I just wanted to post a couple of funny things Ben has said:

Rob took the kids through the car wash yesterday after shopping at Wal-Mart (that was their treat for being good, lol!) and Ben came home chattering about the purple and green stuff on the car. In Ben's words: It was all OVER the car but it washed off and we couldn't reach out and touch it because it would get us all messy but it washed off the car and it was green and purple goo and it was yucky, yeah. (No commas b/c there were no pauses.)

I was letting Ben into the car after playing at the rest stop and he was complaining about something. I said, "Get over it, Ben. You'll survive!" Ben said, "I don't want to survive, Mommy! I want to live!" He was quoting a line from Wall-E and I just love the application.

Ben's had a rough month behavior-wise but seems to finally be understanding that if he behaves, he doesn't get punished. He says several times a day, "Let's have a good day, Mommy!" Finally, it's soaking in!

And he's still my cute little sleepy head. He crawls in bed with me each morning to snuggle and say hello. So cute!

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