Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter at Our House

This morning I was awoken by an anxious three-year-old trying in vain to get her dress on. Of course, she had grabbed the wrong blue dress and hadn't had her bath yet, so I helped her out of the dress and into the tub. As I was bathing her, I talked to her about what Easter means. As I finished talking about Jesus rising from the dead she said, "And He's coming again!" I guess she has been listening to all the times we've spoken of it before!

The kids were all very eager to wear their new clothes so they dressed right away. Anna has a very pretty blue dress made by Grandma Litwiller, along with a matching purse, hat, doll dress, and doll diaper. She's was simply adorable in her ensemble and I even allowed her to take the doll to church since she had an Easter dress, too :) The boys had new shirts and ties. They flip-flopped their colors from last year and looked just as handsome. I realized this morning I had nothing new for Easter, so I just threw on something spring-ish.

Ben and Matthew tried to make breakfast this morning for all of us. Ben made the toast and did just fine, but Matthew had some serious trouble with the scrambled eggs. Namely, he didn't pour the eggs into the pan, but rather all over the stove. Rob hastily cleaned it up and helped Matthew start all over again. It turned out good anyway :)

I worked in the nursery this morning during Sunday school and Rob was at desk, so we missed the big Sunday school breakfast. As it turned out, the 3-year-old teacher and her crew brought in breakfast for the nursery workers! She said she was tired of not being an adult :) I made sure I was covered when I needed to leave for choir because we sang "Worthy is the Lamb" from The Messiah. I haven't sung that since college and I just love The Messiah!!

We had a big lunch when we came home (ham, escalloped potatoes--Rob's grandma's recipe, green beans, rolls, and fruit). After stuffing the kids with food, we had our egg hunt. The kids painted eggs the day before and we hid them around the living and dining rooms, along with the two chocolate bunnies Matthew won in the egg hunt yesterday, and a bunch of beach toys. We bought a big kit of them since I plan to take the kids to the beach a lot this summer. And, we also bought them the third Narnia movie, which we enjoyed this afternoon. I was a good mommy and let them rip right into the bunnies and devour them. After all, what's a holiday without a good candy gorge??

They have been happily playing inside and outside all afternoon and we'll head back to church this evening. That is, if I can wake up Rob. He's out like a log on the couch.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

You know what I love best about that picture of the kids? The fact that Anna's shoes are on backwards! Too cute!