Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Egg Hunt

This morning we got up bright and early for an Easter Egg Hunt at Pick 'n Save, our local grocery store. The hunt started at 7:30 to avoid the shoppers, I suppose, but there were plenty of people shopping already! The kids were so excited that they woke me up at 5:50am. I promptly sent them back to bed :) Rob decided to join us even though he doesn't get home from work until after midnight. He said he needed a shopping cart and free coffee to keep him upright, though.

I couldn't find their Easter baskets, so they went with an odd assortment of containers. Anna had a bunny purse my mom had sent her during a previous Easter, Ben used his Halloween pumpkin, and Matthew grabbed a plastic grocery sack. We headed over to the freezer section to wait for the hunt. Rob decided to do our grocery shopping and come over when it started.

The kids were divided into age groups and of course, mine were in three different sections. I deposited Anna in the 2-3 group and then helped the boys find their aisles. I pushed my way back to Anna to help her, but the parents were not allowed into the aisles with the kids. Unfortunately, most of the parents didn't get the hint to move aside and let the kids through! I used my big voice to part the way for the little kids behind us and helped shove them past the moms who couldn't take a hint. They had Hershey eggs scattered all over the floor along with a few plastic eggs.

Once it began, the kids went crazy grabbing eggs. I had a friend of mine who is six foot eight take a picture of Anna's group since I couldn't see past the wall of parents. I then hurried to take pics of Ben and Matthew's groups, who were already almost done! I got back to Anna's group and the wall of parents had moved forward. That group took the longest to pick up the eggs. They weren't in a hurry, I guess!

I went back and found the boys. Matthew and I had talked a little stratgey and I told him to quickly get past the big crowd and move toward the back. He found three of the plastic eggs, each of which earned him a big prize! He got a jump rope, two chocolate bunnies, and two big packages of Oreos. We now know for next year to go for the plastic eggs :)

And since they have so much chocolate I don't think Mom and Dad need to buy them any at all! Good thing, because it just occured to me last night that I hadn't bought any presents for them. I have their cards done, of course, but nothing else. We'll see what Rob and I come up with for tomorrow :)

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