Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Week with Job #2

Rob started his job at Bass this week which meant we had to start getting used to a whole new schedule. He works on weekdays from 10-2 and one day on the weekends. The weekdays will change, but at least we know the hours for them. This week he worked every day but Tuesday and then Sat 12-4. Next week he'll work on Sunday instead of Saturday and I'll see if I'm ready to brave sitting with all three of the kids by myself in church that night. Rob was running around like a madman at times, but the schedule really isn't so bad. Once his chiropractic appointments are over with (2 more weeks!) the mornings will be much calmer. This week he works Mon, Wed, and Thurs, so there are two days "off" from Bass as well as Saturday off. I have a workshop scheduled for Saturday, so I'm thankful that I don't have to hire a babysitter, especially since it would be short notice. The kids and I are adjusting to our Daddy-less days as well. When I redid our daily schedule, I put all of the schooling between 10-2 so that they would be more distracted during that time and with Rob when he's home. That's been working pretty well. I have noticed that all three of them have been crankier than usual this week, but I'm hoping that lightens up as they adjust. I've been crankier as well, but I think I'll get over it too :) I think the most interesting issue arose on Thursday. Back in February, before Rob was laid off, I scheduled a 31 party. (31 is a company that sells purses, totes, storage items, etc.) I love, love, LOVE their products and knew I needed a party so I did not spend our entire tax return on bags. When Rob got his evening job I lost my child-distractor for the evening. Rob normally takes the kids to McDonald's to play when I have events. I decided to see how the kids would do on their own. I have a monthly card night so they will have to entertain themselves. Yeah. This test run proved they need a bit more training. They did okay, but kept coming downstairs to tell me they were bored. Nine million different toys to play with and they are bored. And then they wanted snacks. And later Anna decided to spray water all over the bathroom. I let them come down toward the end and play with the baby and toddler that were there, but they got more and more wild as the evening progressed. The 31 consultant told me she let herself out so I could put them to bed. Thankfully she's a mom and completely understood my plight. And after all of that, when I was ready to shop, I realized I had packed up my catalog with her stuff. I just about cried. So, I need to strategize for Friday when I have my card class. I don't want to hire a teenager to stay up there with them b/c I can't afford babysitters all the time...I'd rather they learned how to behave. Suggestions are more than welcome! I'm hoping to have a better week simply because we will be more used to what's going on. If there's anything I have learned in 35 years of living it's that humans can get used to anything and we all crave normalcy in our lives. I know the Lord will help us slip into a new routine.

1 comment:

gpagmafulkerson said...

Have special things for them to do at that time, that they normally would not get to play with, only when you have workshops. Can you take the TV upstairs and have movie for them.?