Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Matthew at the Dentist

At Matthew's last dental visit we found out that he has three cavities. One of them is in a tooth that he's likely to lose pretty soon so the dentist wants to wait a while before filling that one. The other two are in the back and won't come out in the near future, so he needed them filled. At that appointment, the hygenist showed him the gas mask he would have to wear and explained what would happen.

Today he woke up a bit nervous and kept saying that he wished the appointment was in the morning. Poor guy...he knew it wouldn't be fun! We decided it would be best for Rob to take him since Rob could hold him down if necessary. I would have to pick Matthew up since the appt was very close to the time Rob had to go to work. (And the nice part about that is that the dental office is on the edge of town, so Rob had less traffic to deal with on his way to work.)

The other two and I decided to get a nice distracting present for Matthew since we thought he'd be all loopy and sore. We went to Family Video and found the latest Lego Wii game (based on Star Wars' The Clone Wars) and two of the free kids videos. We then headed to the dental office, but did not have to wait long. Rob came shooting out and left for work with Matthew close behind him. Apparently, Matthew did NOT want the gas and just did the two fillings with no shot and no gas! He said it didn't hurt at all, only stung a little at one point. I can't believe my child who hates doctors and needles was so brave. He's a little sore right now, so I gave him some Tylenol and he had some soft mac 'n cheese and a milk shake for supper.

I'm just so proud of him!


Megan R said...

Way to go, Matthew!!!

Joel and Cara said...

Wait a minute, no numbing at all??? Where did he get such a high pain tolerance?!

Unknown said...

The cavities weren't very deep, otherwise the dentist said she would have insisted on some type of numbing. He was concerned that he would feel weird with the gas so that's why he refused it.