Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"McDonald's is broken!"

Last night, the guys headed off to get some sandwiches from McDonald's. They left around 6:20pm after waiting for Mommy to get out of the bathroom. As they were heading down the street, they heard sirens ahead and saw lots of smoke. McDonald's was on fire! The fire call came at 6:11 pm. Apparently, wiring in the ceiling caught fire in the restaurant and before long the entire place was filled with smoke. Had my guys left earlier, they would have been in the drive-thru at the time. God is good!

On their way back from Culver's, they passed MickeyD's again and saw the ladder truck spraying down on the place, smoke filling the playland, and flames shooting out of the building. For the next two hours, we heard fire trucks heading past our place. Rob went out at 8:45 to see what was left of it and saw them putting out the remaining smaller fires.

So, our McDonald's is all gone. We had made a family pact not to eat in the restaurant again until Ben was potty-trained. Guess he got himself an extension :)

To read the entire story, go to And the title of this blog is credited to Matthew. We drove past it today and it has a sunroof now and is very, very black. Yup, it's broken.


Shanti said...

That is really sad, because it's not like there are many eating options there to begin with. AND winter is coming on and having the kids play in the play area was a nice break now and then!

Unknown said...

Okay, I lived in a town where there was one restaurant. That's not a lot of eating options. Watertown has PLENTY of eating options, especially if you're adventurous :)