Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bunch of Sickos

I see that I last posted a week ago Monday when Ben saw the doctor about his ear infection. I had informed the doctor (or NP Chip) that Ben had thrown up, but did not have the stomach flu.

Well. I missed the mark big time! Ben did indeed have a stomach virus and proceeded to share it with three of us over the course of the past week. Anna threw up in her crib sometime Tuesday night, Rob came down with it Wednesday night, and yours truly got it Thursday night. Matthew, man of the iron constitution, missed it entirely. Perhaps it's b/c he had no contact with his siblings or parents while they were ill....I don't know. It's a pretty viscious virus that attacks hard and fast and hangs out for about a week with other symptoms. Rob saw the doctor yesterday b/c he's missed so much work and found out that it does last a week. And according to the doctor, we all had a bad cold over a week ago, not the seasonal flu. I beg to differ, seeing as I was couch-ridden for three days.

Anyway, regardless of what we've had, we are at this point on the mend. Rob is still not at work b/c there was no one there today. He hasn't worked since last Wednesday, so that's a prayer request for sure.

In between all of this illness, my brave parents paid us a visit. We had a good time going to Matthew's final soccer game (temp was 35 and there was frost on the ground). Grandpa treated us to McDonald's and later the boys and I and my parents went to Ebert's for the fall festival. It was kind of chilly, so we didn't stay long. I woke up that next morning with horrible symptoms I care not to revisit, so Mom and Dad took the boys to church. We muddled through the rest of the day after they left and later found out that my dad got sick. Thankfully he's feeling better today. Mom is on a cleaning rampage to keep herself from getting infected and I truly hope it works! We don't really need weapons of mass distruction. In honor of the explorers of the 1500's and 1600's, we could just import our diseases to the enemy and wipe them out that way. But I digress.

We have had to cancel our Illinois visit for this weekend. Matthew has a head cold and I don't want any lingering germs to infect Rob's parents or my sister's family, who just had a baby at the beginning of the month. We'll just wait to see the little guy when we're all healthy.

So, I hope this is the last post regarding family illness for a loooooooong time. Thanks for all of your prayers on our behalf!

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