Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Week in the Sick House

Ugh. That pretty much sums up this week in the ol' Litwiller household. We all got hit by the influenza bug. Let me take you through a day-by-day play-by-play of the happenings around here.

Friday: Matthew wakes up with a cough and quickly passes off to Benjamin. He takes the cough, magnifies it, and starts to worry Mom.

Saturday: Benjamin passes off the cold to Anna, who starts coughing as well. Rob, feeling a bit under the weather himself, keeps the children home from Matthew's soccer game. Penni goes to the game and freezes her tookus off, not warming up for several hours afterwards.

Sunday: Benjamin wakes up...sort of. He collapses onto the couch and proceeds to stay there for the remainder of the day, eating little and saying less. Matthew's cough is worse. Rob is feeling a bit worse as well, so the boys stay home from church. The evening service was outdoors, so the Litwiller clan stays home, hoping to recooperate quickly.

Monday: Ben wakes up feeling better, but has passed the flu bug to Rob. Rob goes to work, find out there IS no work, and comes home to sleep all day long. Matthew and Ben still coughing, but doing better. Mommy has a slight head cold. We all take Rob to the dentist so he can pick up his soft splint.

Tuesday: Rob is still feeling somewhat crummy, but is better. Both boys still coughing, but improving. Anna coughing a little more. All seem to be in the clear....until...

Wednesday: The flu bug goes into overtime! Mommy wakes up with it, Ben has a relapse, and Anna's cold is worse. Thankfully, Rob only had to work a half-day, so he comes home early to sub in for Mommy. Matthew still coughing somewhat, but otherwise fine. Mommy's dental appt gets cancelled b/c the hygenist is sick.

Thursday: Ben wakes up feeling much better and starts packing food away like crazy. Matthew fine. Rob fine. Mommy still on the disabled list and Anna worse. The day drags on......

Friday: Ugh. Overnight, Anna woke up almost every single hour b/c her head was stuffed up. Daddy managed to get her back to sleep. Mommy spiked a high fever overnight. Ben woke up crying and needed cough medicine at least once. During the day, Mommy proceeded to sweat out the fever, Anna put herself down for a nap midmorning. Work ended at 10 for Rob, so he was home to relieve Mommy. Boys fine. Rob had an eye appointment and needed a ride home, so we all went and everyone did just fine at the eye doctor. (Cool toys in the waiting room helped.) Mommy starting to feel better by evening.

Today: Everyone seems to be on the mend except for Anna, who has a worse cold. That's okay, she's just the team mascot right now anyway : ) The guys are all back in fighting shape and Mommy's improving. Rob has Monday off again, so hopefully we can go back to cleaning out the basement, the project we started last Friday :)


gpagmafulkerson said...

Whew, got tired just reading the play by play. So are you the head coach or the assistant coach of the Litwiller team? And Anna is a cute mascot.

Unknown said...

I'm the assistant coach. And I forgot to mention Anna's teething!