Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Coin

Matthew's assignment this week in creative writing was to write a story based on a coin. The following story is based on a bicentennial quarter Rob gave him. And it's heavily influenced the the Lego Batman game. Any spelling mistakes are mine.

Two-Face, a guy with his face half-damaged, stared at a coin all night long. He was wondering what to do with the coin--give it to the Riddler or keep it for himself? He decided to buy something with it.

Two-Face was walking to spend it at the bad guy pet shop. He wanted to buy a poisonous dog so if Batman wasn't in a poison suit, he would die. Two-Face lost the coin when it dropped out of his pocket. Then Batman found it.

Batman lost the coin, then found it again, then he bought a new green suit to protect against poison. The store owner was Daddy, and that's how he got the coin.

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