Saturday, January 29, 2011

Now We're Cookin'!!!

Our new oven arrived yesterday and it was so nice (and yummy) to be able to bake again. We had breakfast pizza this morning and Rob's homemade pizza tonight (catching a theme here?) We opted for the glass-top model which has the option of a convection oven AND is self-cleaning. We're so happy with it! I can't wait to bake some cookies, but that will have to wait until I am caught up with a few stamp projects. So why am I blogging???

Rob has Monday off next week so we will be heading into Milwaukee to visit the museum there. The kids have been begging to go to the "dinosaur" museum again. They have a mummy exhibit there and I thought about taking Matthew since we just finished studying Egypt, but it looks a little scary for him yet and the youngest they recommend seeing the exhibit is nine. We'll just look at the one mummy they have in the little Egypt exhibit that is always on display.

Otherwise we're just plugging away around here. I had a touch of the cold Rob had this week, but I'm feeling much better today. I tried ignoring it for a few days but had to give in on Wednesday and stay home from church. I think I'm in fighting shape now. Rob and I had a date Friday night and the kids played with some friends of theirs.

I think I'll call it quits and get back to stamping now!

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