Saturday, March 19, 2011

Despicable Fun

Tonight we decided to have a family movie night and went over to Family Video to rent something. I really don't keep up with what's out at all and thought that Tangled had been released on video. After scouring the shelves, I realized that it was not. So I looked at the cartoon new releases and found the movie Despicable Me. I thought the plot sounded amusing so I got it. After supper and baths, we all sat on the couch to watch it.

Oh. my. goodness. That was the funniest movie I have seen in a long time! And the boys were howling through most of it! They were so loud that we had to put on the caption just to catch the plot. Anna really enjoyed it as well, so it was a new fave for everyone.

I think Ben was the funniest person to watch. He's usually pretty quiet when we watch movies but he couldn't resist making a few comments. When the main character was chasing another villian, his ship pulled out tons of bombs. Ben said, "Well, that oughta do it!" And later when the bad bad guy was sent to the moon Ben said, "Serves ya right!" He was almost funnier than the movie!

I've been busy with stamp events recently and it was so nice to have a night just to be with the family. Of course that is the best part of all :)

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