Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nap songs and Trash Cans

Poor Ben. He woke up at the same time Rob did yesterday...4:45 am....and he decided to get up with Daddy. Rob put a movie on for him when he had to leave and Ben watched it until the rest of us awoke at 6:45am. He was pretty zonked for the majority of the morning and when it was his turn to play Wii in the afternoon, he would play, rest his hands, play, rest his hands.... I finally asked him if he wanted to take a nap and he immediately put down the remote and went upstairs. Matthew felt so sorry for him that he offered to tuck him in. Anna, not to be left out on the kind acts, said she would sing Benji to sleep. *chuckle* Anna's idea of singing Ben to sleep was to sing "Jesus Loves Me" at the top of her lungs and a little off key. I took pity on the poor guy and called her downstairs. He slept for two and a half hours, so he must have needed the rest pretty badly!

Today as I was about to head downstairs, I looked out the window and saw two sanitation workers consulting a sheet of paper and looking at our house. They had a truck full of brand new trash cans and recycle bins. I'm guessing they were trying to figure out if one family lived in our house or two (we live in a duplex) and must have decided on two because the next thing I knew, a set of the new trash recepticles was smack dab in front of our stairs and another set was in front of the neighbors. Not really the place to keep them, so I sent the boys out to pull the cans to the side of our house. They did okay until they got to the driveway. Today being Bible study day, the car was parked in the driveway and it was not shoveled out enough to get the cans through easily. I yelled out to Matthew to turn the can around and pull it backwards on the wheels. Instead, he went to the front and laboriously pulled the HUGE plastic container around the car, THEN got behind it and used the wheels to get himself a little further. He then went back to help Ben with his slightly smaller container. Both boys worked pretty hard. Anna and I clapped for them when they had finished.

Just an hour ago, Anna had to go potty and as Rob entered to help her, she shot out with her pants down and said, "I was sitting there and I almost fell in!" Rob replied, "That's okay. Your big butt would never fit down the drain. It's HUGE!" Good thing she's not 16....

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