Friday, March 11, 2011

Little Miss Stinker

Anna has been in the habit of waking up and getting into bed with us. It's amazing how one teeny little body can take up so much space in the bed! We have been trying to break this habit by gently guiding her back to her own bed each night she creeps into ours. So last night when she joined us, Rob got up and took her back to bed. She looked at him and said, "Daddy, will you stay with me?" and of course Rob stayed, because who can resist a request from such an adorable creature?

Yeah. So Rob sat on the floor and planned to stay there until she went back to sleep. Anna quieted down, then got up and trotted out the door. He thought maybe she had to go potty, but then she went into our bedroom. Thinking she was just going to get a blanket or toy she forget when she entered the first time, he waited. And waited. And then went to check on her. Turns out she had crawled into bed with me and was falling asleep! And why not...nobody else was there!

Rob took her back to her bed amidst much protestation and then she asked if she could sleep with Ben. Since Ben never cares if Anna sleeps in his bed, Rob said yes and all were happy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My girls have all tried that too! I used to let them climb in with me until I realized that it was interfering with my sleep! So now, we keep blankets available in our room. If they want to sleep by us, they get to sleep on the floor beside the bed. :)