Saturday, December 8, 2007

Back in Business...Sort of

On: Our modem! Rob bought a new one today, spending twice as much as we anticipated, but it was "needed." I guess we're paying for the conveinience of not going to MBBC every day to check our mail.

OFF: Today's Tupperware party. I had only one person show up in two hours time. I know that I have some orders coming in, but it was a little disheartening to pack up the kids and ship them out with Rob for 2 1/2 hours, only to have most of the time to myself to pick at the huge amount of snacks I made (anybody want brownies and punch) and play Spider Solitaire. The kids were pretty good for Rob, and he even took them to McDonald's for their lunchtime. Brave man.

Other news: We have about a foot or so of snow and we're getting more this week. Yipee!!! I just love the snow! It makes everything look so beautiful and peaceful, especially just after it has fallen but before people shovel. I will admit that I'm glad it's finals and Rob will have the time to shovel it properly. He did try to go out there on Saturday morning and clean it off better, but it had frozen and he couldn't get it to do much. We need to buy some sand or something. I'd go out there and shovel it myself, but Rob won't let me. He wouldn't let me last year b/c it's not a girl job (we have very strong opinions on what are girl jobs and boy jobs around here....which is a pretty funny subject and source for playful arguments between us) and he won't let me this year b/c I'm pregnant. (I'm telling you what, though...if we had a lawn mower, I'd be out there next summer! I love mowing lawns...especially barefoot!)

1 comment:

Shanti said...

I would have come had it not been a baaaaaaaaaad weekend! He's still sick. But at least his fever is a bit lower. Not eating yet though.
and well...other gross stuff that I won't leave in your comment section...hehe.

That is kind of sad nobody really showed up. I never tried one of those open house things when I was selling Mary Kay or Avon. Oh wait. I kind of did when I did Mary Kay once, but I already knew for a fact that a few people were coming. I kind of did a free makeup sampling time. I didn't do drinks or food though.