Monday, December 17, 2007

Puppy Love

The boys have found a new source of fun...playing with their puppies. No, we did not get a dog (and there is no way this momma wants one). They love playing with their stuffed dogs. We put up a lot of stuffed animals into the closet simply because the boys weren't interested in them yet, but Matthew found this dog in the closet, dragged him out, and named him Charlie. Charlie goes all over the house with Matthew. Charlie likes to be thrown over the couch, down the stairs, eats dog food, and poops inside of Daddy's wrist braces. (Thanks, Aunt Mandy, for teaching my son how to get a little puppy to poop by massaging his bottom!)

Charlie has to be present for all naps and at bedtime. He occasionally rides in the car with us, but is not allowed in the stores. We might take him to Tiny Trackers because he looks a bit like the dog, Tiny.

I was informed the other day that Ben needed to join in the fun. So, I found another little dog in the closet for him. That dog is named Abbie. (Hmm...Charlie and Abbie...sound familiar to anyone on the Litwiller side???) Abbie is now Ben's buddy and goes with him everywhere (except when Matthew swipes her and puts both doggies in their "cage.")

I can handle this. It's pretty cute and it keeps them from asking for a real dog. I really have no use for a dog or cat in the house, so a stuffed substitute is just fine with me!

1 comment:

Shanti said...

too cute and funny! My kids have just not gotten attached to any stuffed animals. Well, David likes this bear to sleep with, but none that they carry around. Now they are a little attached to their "favorite blanket" as they call them. They each have one they must sleep with and sometimes carry downstairs to cuddle up on the couch with--especially when thye're sick.