Friday, December 14, 2007

Random Stuff

I haven't posted anything really funny or interesting about the kids recently because, well, I've just been too tired whenever I get at the computer! I'm usually on here during their naptime (which is also my naptime) or before bed, so my brain has not been functionally well enough to type all of the funny stuff they've been doing recently. But, I'll give it my best shot!

Let's start with Benjamin: He has been talking up a storm recently. He pretty much starts babbling when he wakes up and doesn't quit until he's asleep. Now that he can speak in sentences (some 8-9 words long!) it's like the dam has broken. I'm glad that he can speak better now, because he's been whining and crying a lot less. He will tell me, very calmly, when he needs help with something. He has also been taught to say, "May I be excused, please? when he's finished eating. Politeness at the table is big with Rob and I and if a child can speak in sentences, then they can ask for things politely.

Ben has also taken up the hobby of singing. He can sing the theme songs to Bob the Builder and Winnie the Pooh. Okay, not the entire thing, but enough that anyone could understand it. He has added Jesus Loves Me and Away in the Manager to his repetoire as well. He usually wants me to sing Away in the Manager and he does the motions. It's like I have my own little interpreter! He is quite the charmer and smiles a big, cheesy grin at everyone he meets.

Matthew is still my little sweetheart and I think he always will be. He's so much like me in personality that it's hard not to adore him :) He has been amusing me quite a bit here lately with his "raised eyebrow" face. It makes me laugh everytime! We've had some interesting conversations, like when he asked me what to do when you love a girl. I decided to just go through the whole thing and told him to pray about it, get to know her, talk to Mommy and Daddy about her, and if he wants to marry her, he needs to ask her Daddy. He took it all in and then I asked him if he had anyone in mind. He said that he didn't yet. That's a relief!

I've enjoyed seeing their senses of humor develop as well. Matthew finds situations and people very funny. An example: Yesterday, we were at the library and Matthew usually climbs up and down the stairs while I check out books. Then we meet right near the entrance so I can re-winterize them. While I put on his gloves, he told me that a lady going up the stairs looked at him and said, "Oops! Wrong kid!" He found that very funny, that she mistook him for her son! Ben's sense of humor involves teasing people. If I tell him not to touch something, he'll get near enough to it to almost touch it, and then he'll look at me, grin, and run away laughing. I hate to admit it, but I think that my sense of humor got split in half and each of my sons has a piece! Poor Anna will have to suffer with Rob's sense of humor.......j/k!

Speaking of Anna, she's doing well. I had an appointment today and everything is fine. I take the glucose test at my next appointment. This time, I get to drink the stuff at home an hour before the appointment rather than doing it there and waiting for an hour. I'm sure I'll have the diabetes again, but at least it will only be for three months this time around!

And that's my little guys. Oh, the big guy is finally done with school for the semester. So far, it looks like he passed everything, even the class that he thought he had failed. Praise the Lord!


gpagmafulkerson said...

I know you have been tired, but it
is neat when you can update us with
this blog, it is fun to read. Thanks, Mom

Shanti said...

That is awesome that Rob probably passed everything! I really hope he passes that class he thinks he's failed. That's the one he hated right?

Too funny about Matthew! I wonder where he came up with that? "What to do when you love a girl??"

Well, I miss our tea time and talking to you!! Hopefully we all get better soon!

Unknown said...

Not only did he pass the class, he got a C+!! Praise the Lord!