Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Silly Boys

Ben has been doing much better about not touching the Christmas tree lately, but yesterday, Matthew hung up two teddy bear ornaments that Ben could not resist. He kept wanting to take them off the tree. I told him no, then explained that we don't touch the tree, we look at it. He bent over and started staring at the tree intently. I was laughing so hard I had to leave the room!

Tonight at supper, I decided to teach the boys some etiquette. Matthew keeps trying to wipe his hands on the table, his shirt, his jeans, his mommy, wherever, so I decided it's time to learn about napkins. (Probably a little later than I should have, but oh well.) I gave both boys a paper towel and explained that we place it on our laps. Matthew took me very seriously and was so intent on putting it on his lap that he fell right out of his chair! I couldn't help it...I just started laughing at him. He laughed, too, and got up and tried again!

Silly little boys!


Anonymous said...

Evan knocked over our tree yesterday. I have no idea how. I wasn't in the room, and it was John who rescued the tree. I'm glad it's only 4' tall and had only homemade paper ornaments and angel on it!

The Harrisons said...

so fun!

Beverly said...

*chuckle* This reminds me of when Tobin was in that stage. Ted was giving him a stern talking-to about it, since we had tried and tried to teach him NOT to wipe his hands on his clothes. Ted asked, "Tobin, are you a napkin?" And it was all downhill from there. Now when we're being silly at the table we ask, "Are you a napkin?"